Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The World In Which I've Lived

Welcome to my blog! My blog is going to be devoted to some of the hilarious memories I have from the past 10 or so years. There's few things I find funnier than the amusing characteristics of my friends. We all love reminiscing - so now I'm going to share some of my favorite tales in the form of a blog. In order to protect the privacy of those involved, I won't be using real names...but I think those involved will quickly know who they are. Also, for disclaimer purposes, these stories may or may not be real...figure out which are which!

The name of the blog is going to be "How I Met Your Hipster"... as who represents the "zenith" of hilarity more than he who we'll refer to as "H". How did the cute little kid on the left become the boa-prancing Hipster of Williamsburg you see on the right?? Stay tuned for that story and everything in between!

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